Remove a role from the user

Changes an administrator or manager’s user type to user

This call changes a user’s type from administrator or manager to user. While an administrator can access all projects and workspace settings, a user and a manager can only access the projects to which they are assigned. The key difference between a manager and a user is that a manager has the ability to create new projects. A manager automatically becomes the project owner of any project they create. A user does not have the ability to create new projects.

Two path parameters are required to change an administrator or manager’s type to user:

  • The id of the user whose type you want to change. See Get users for an array of users in your workspace, including each user’s id.
  • The id of the manager or administrator role. To find a user’s current role, see the roles object returned by the Get user call.

A 204 code is returned when an administrator or manager’s type is successfully updated to user.

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