Get role templates

Returns the role templates available in a workspace

A role template is a set of permissions that are assigned to a user. For example, the role template of “Uploader” may give a user permissions to view and upload assets.

This call returns an array of all the role templates in a workspace, and it tells you what each role template has permission to do. These are the same role templates found in MediaSilo’s Administration section, under the Roles tab.

The array includes:

  • Premade – or “default” – role templates that come with every MediaSilo account
  • Any custom role templates that an administrator has created

Here is an overview of the properties returned for each role template:

id The id of the role template. Each account has its own unique set of role template ids; for example, an Asset Manager in Workspace A has a different role template id than an Asset Manager in Workspace B.
displayName The name of the role template as it is displayed in the MediaSilo UI
description A description of the role template. This is an optional field when creating a new role template.
permissionGroups This object contains the individual permissions assigned to a role template.
permissionGroups.displayName and permissionGroups.groupIdentifier These properties indicate a permission’s category. Permissions to view, upload, download, delete, and edit assets belong to the ASSET category. Internal and external sharing permissions belong to the SHARING category. Permissions to view comments and to make or edit your own comments belong to the COMMENTING category.

Project Owner is the only role template that contains values for COLLABORATION, REPORTING, and SERVICE. This role template is unique because it is the only one that allows users and managers to edit a project’s settings and add or remove users from a project.
permissionGroups.permissions These are the individual permissions that a role template grants a user.

There are five asset-related permissions: Create (Upload), Delete, Source (Download), Read (View), and Update (Edit).

The two sharing permissions are Internal and External. A user can have internal sharing permission, or they can have internal and external sharing permissions. There is no option for external-only sharing permission.

There are three commenting permissions: Create, Read (View), and Update (Edit). When creating or editing a role in the MediaSilo UI, these permissions are grouped into a single checkbox that gives users the ability to view comments and to make, edit, or delete their own comments.
default Role templates in MediaSilo are either default or custom. If this boolean is true, then the role template is among the default ones that come with a MediaSilo account. If it is false, then it is a custom role template created by an account administrator.

If you edit a default role template’s permissions, its default property is still true.
visible This value is true for all existing role templates. You can delete a role template, but you cannot hide it.
deleted This value is false for all role templates. Only existing role templates are contained in the response; deleted role templates are permanently removed from the workspace.
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