Get quicklink share options

Returns a list of share options available within a project

This call requires projectIds as a body parameter, and it returns the share options available within that project. The three share options are “public,” “password,” and “private.” If a project is not watermarked, then all three share options are returned under allowedAudience. If a project is watermarked to display a viewer’s name, then “private” is the only share option available, since you can only share files from this project with named workspace users.

These share options only indicate what is possible under the current project settings. Share options are still restricted on a user level by the user’s role and permissions. For example, if a user is an internal collaborator with internal-sharing permission only, then the user’s share options are still limited to “private,” even if that project’s share options are “public,” “password,” and “private.”

The property commentPermission refers to the commenting permission required to enable feedback on a Review Link: if a user is sharing files from a project, the user must have commenting permission in that project in order to enable feedback on the link.

The property downloadPermission refers to the download permission required to allow downloading of a Review Link’s contents: if a user is sharing files from a project, the user must have download permission in that project in order to enable downloading on the link. As an administrator, the values of commentPermission and downloadPermission will be true for every project in your workspace.

If the value of safeStreamEnabled is true, this does not necessarily mean the project is watermarked. Rather, SafeStream is enabled for the workspace, so users have the option to enable watermarking on individual Review Links (or on the project as a whole).

If the value of watermarkedContent is "all," then watermarking is currently applied to the project. A value of "none" indicates that the project is not watermarked. For a watermarked project, the property urlWithSignature relates to the authentication required to access a Review Link containing files from that project. This value is true when a project is watermarked with the viewer's email address, the viewer's email address and custom text, or forensic watermarking.

In addition, this call returns a series of properties under defaultConfiguration. These are the workspace’s default link settings. Defaults are selected in the Administration section under Settings > Links. Depending on their permissions, users can override these defaults when they create a link.

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