Creates a playlist
A playlist is a reusable collection of assets for sharing files, folders, or a combination of both. Playlists fall under three main categories:
- Static: A static playlist is a custom collection of files and folders from any of your projects. You can specify the contents of a static playlist using the assetIds and folderIds body parameters.
- Project: A project-based playlist contains all of the files and folders in a project. It is a dynamic playlist that is automatically updated whenever you add or remove content from the corresponding project. You can specify the project using the projectId body parameter.
- Folder: A folder-based playlist contains all of the files and subfolders in a folder. It is a dynamic playlist that is automatically updated whenever you add or remove content from the corresponding folder. You can specify the folder using the folderId body parameter.
In the example below, the request will create a static playlist that contains three assets and two folders. To allow downloading and to make the playlist accessible to the entire workspace, canDownload and shareWithAccount are both set to “true.”
"name": "My Playlist",
"shareWithAccount": true,
"canDownload": true,
"assetIds": [
"folderIds": [
"visible": true
To create a dynamic playlist, you would exclude assetIds and folderIds from the request; instead, you would provide a projectId for a project-based playlist or a folderId for a folder-based playlist.
A 200 code is returned when a playlist is successfully created. The response gives you the new playlist’s id.