Returns an array of distribution lists
This call returns the distribution lists accessible to the user whose API credentials are in use. This includes:
- any list the user has created
- any list shared with the user by other workspace users
- any list shared with the entire workspace
If a distribution list has not been shared with the user, then the list is inaccessible to them and therefore not included in the response.
If you are looking for a specific distribution list, add a forward slash followed by the distribution list id to the end of the call. This will return a single distribution list, instead of all distribution lists.
Here is an overview of the properties returned for each distribution list:
id | The distribution list id |
ownerId | The id of the user who created the list |
accountId | The id of the workspace where the list was created |
name | The name of the distribution list. A name is required when creating a list. |
description | The MediaSilo UI does not display distribution-list descriptions at this time, so this value is “null.” |
accessType | This indicates the list’s “sharing” setting. It is either Private (only accessible to the list creator), Account (can be used by any workspace user), or User_List (can be used by select workspace users only). If User_List is selected, then the authorized users appear under authorizedUserIds (see below). |
authorizedUserIds | If a list’s access type is User_List, then only select workspace users have been given access to the list. The ids of those users are listed here. |
recipients | This object provides the email address of each member of the distribution list. If a member is a workspace user, their first and last name are also provided. |
If a user does not have access to any distribution lists, then a 200 code and a blank body are returned.