Get asset

Returns a list of an asset’s properties

This call requires an asset id as a path parameter, and it returns the following information about the asset:

title The asset title. By default, the title is the name of the file uploaded to MediaSilo. You can edit the title using the Update asset request.
description An asset description is optional. You can edit the description using the Update asset request.
fileName The name of the file uploaded to MediaSilo
projectId The id of the project in which the asset is located
folderId The id of the folder in which the asset is located. If the value is “null,” then the asset lives inside a project at the top level, not inside a folder.
uploadedBy Along with uploadedByFirstName and uploadedByLastName, this provides you with the email and full name of the person who uploaded the file.
type The file type can be archive, audio, document, image, or video.
dateCreated The Unix timestamp of the date and time the asset was uploaded
dateModified The Unix timestamp of the date and time the asset was last modified
duration The duration in milliseconds
posterFrame A link to the asset’s thumbnail image, or “poster frame”
derivatives The derivatives object provides information about derivatives that are automatically created when you upload a file to MediaSilo. For example, when you upload an HD file, a lower-resolution proxy is generated. Some properties, such as duration, are consistent among the derivatives. Others, such as file size and dimensions, will vary.
tags Any tags that have been applied to the asset
watermarked This indicates whether the file is currently watermarked because it lives inside a watermarked project.
versions The number of additional versions. If a file is not versioned, it returns a zero.
fileSize The size of the file in KBs
ownerId The id of the person who uploaded the file. Get User will return the user’s name and email.
assetMetadata A complete listing of the asset’s metadata. This includes any Custom metadata submitted by users and any metadata that was captured automatically on ingest.
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