Delete role template

Deletes a role template

This call requires a role template id as a path parameter, and it deletes the corresponding role template.

Note that you cannot delete a role template that is currently in use. Attempting to delete it will result in a 400 (Bad Request) code and the following response:

    "code": "6409",
    "message": "This template is in use by existing roles and cannot be deleted"

To delete a role template, you must first change the role of any user who is assigned the role template. This applies to both active and inactive users. Once the role template is no longer assigned to any active or inactive users, then you can delete it.


To delete a role template that is currently in use, consider using Replace all uses of a role template with another one and delete the original role.

Note that you cannot delete the premade “Project Owner” role template that comes with every MediaSilo account. This is the only role template in MediaSilo that you cannot edit or delete. Attempting to delete it will result in a 400 (Bad Request) code and the following response:

    "displayName": "You are not allowed to delete a RoleTemplate with that name."

When a role template is successfully deleted, a 204 code is returned.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!