Get assets within a link folder

Returns the assets in a Review Link’s folder

This call returns the assets found inside a folder in a Review Link. Two path parameters are required to make this call:

  • A Review Link id
  • The id of a folder contained in the Review Link

A 200 code is returned when one or more assets are found in the folder. The response includes the properties of each asset, including its title and id. For an overview of asset properties, please see the table in Get asset.

Note that a folder may contain subfolders, but the assets in those subfolders are not included in this call’s response. The response only contains assets inside the folder whose folder id you enter. If the folder does not contain any assets, then a 200 code is returned with an empty response body.

If the folder id does not match a folder contained in the Review Link, then a 401 message is returned with the message “FolderId is not in Playlist Scope.”

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