Get folders in project

Returns the folders in a project’s top level

This call requires a project id as a path parameter, and it returns an array of folders found in the top level of the project’s folder structure, including any empty folders. The array does not include any subfolders contained in the folder structure.

The following properties are returned for each folder:

id The folder’s id
name The folder’s name
parentId A parentId corresponds to the folder that contains another folder. Since all the folders in this response are located at a project’s top level, this value will be blank.
parentNumericId A parentNumbericId corresponds to the folder that contains another folder. Since all the folders in this response are located at a project’s top level, this value will be zero.
projectId The id of the project in which the folder is located. This id will match the project id in the path parameter, and it will be the same id for all the folders in the response.
numericId The integer id of the folder
projectNumericId The Integer id of the project in which the folder is located. This id will be the same for all the folders in the response.
folderCount The number of subfolders contained in the folder. This count only includes the folder’s top level. Any deeper levels of subfolders are not counted.
assetsCount and size These properties are returned with a value of zero, since MediaSilo does not calculate them at this time.
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