Get all projects

Returns an array of all the projects in your workspace to which you have access

This call provides details about each of your projects, including aggregates like total size and number of users. You can also use this call to obtain project ids to use in other calls; for example, you must specify a project id when you upload a file to MediaSilo.

Here is an overview of the properties returned for each project:

id Each project has a unique string id. The project id is a required parameter whenever you make a call related to a specific project, such as creating a new asset inside a project, adding users to a project, and getting a list of all the assets in a project.
numericId The integer id representing the project
accountId The numeric id of the account the project belongs to. This value will be the same for every project in the array.
name Every project has a name.
description A project description is optional; this value is blank if no description was entered.
dateCreated The Unix timestamp of the date and time the project was created
lastActivity The Unix timestamp of the last activity in the project. “Activity” can include uploading assets or editing an asset’s title. Viewing assets is not counted as activity.
ownerId The string id of the user who created the project
isFavorite If “true,” the project has been favorited by the user whose API credentials are in use.
favorite Same as isFavorite: If “true,” the project has been favorited by the user whose API credentials are in use.
isWatermarked If “true,” SafeStream watermarking is enabled on the project.
isDRM This boolean indicates if assets in the project are DRM-encoded.
folderCount The number of folders, including empty folders, at the project’s top level; this count does not include any subfolders.
aggregates This object contains averageDuration, totalDuration, averageFileSize, totalFileSize, totalUsers, totalAssets, and totalFolders. All aggregate properties have numeric values.
aggregates.totalDuration The combined duration (in milliseconds) of all videos in the project
aggregates.totalUsers The number of users on the project
aggregates.totalAssets The total number of assets in a project. This count includes assets of all types in all levels of subfolders.
aggregates.averageFileSize The average file size (in KBs) of all assets in a the project
aggregates.totalFileSize The combined file size (in KBs) of all assets in the project
aggregates.totalFolders Same as folderCount: The number of folders, including empty folders, at the project’s top level; this count does not include any subfolders.
aggregates.averageDuration The average duration (in milliseconds) of all videos in the project
poster The CloudFront URL of the image used as the project thumbnail. You can navigate to this URL to download the image. If the value is “null,” no thumbnail is currently uploaded. The recommended dimensions are 1500px by 1000px.
banner The CloudFront URL of the image used as the project banner. When you open a project in MediaSilo, the banner is the image you see at the top of the page. You can navigate to this URL to download the image. If the value is “null,” no banner is currently uploaded. The recommended dimensions are 420px by 560px.
type This value is either “WIREDRIVE” for Wiredrive accounts migrating to MediaSilo or “STANDARD” for all other accounts.
retentionPolicy The properties in this object indicate the number of days after which files are automatically deleted. In MediaSilo, a project’s retention (or “lifecycle”) policy is defined in the Policies tab in the Settings section. If “null,” no retention policy is set, and files are not deleted automatically.
owner The properties in this object provide the id, name, and email of the user who created the project.
If the user who created the project has been deleted, then null values are returned for all properties in the owner object.
created Same as dateCreated: the Unix timestamp of the date and time the project was created.

HTTP Status Codes

  • 200: One or more projects found
  • 404: No projects found
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