Creates a Review Link
This call creates a web-accessible Review Link URL for sharing files and folders from your MediaSilo workspace. Note the link id, not the link URL, is returned.
The body parameters you submit determine the contents of your link and your link settings. Required parameters will depend on the type of link you are creating. For example, if you were applying a watermark to the videos in your link, then your request would require a watermarkPresetId.
To create a public, unwatermarked link, you must provide values for assetIds, folderIds, configuration, expires, and title.
- If you are sharing assets without sharing any folders, you can leave the folderIds parameter blank (See example below).
- The configuration object is where you choose your access setting (audience), allow downloads (allowDownload), enable commenting (allowFeedback), and enable view notifications (emailNotification).
- If you were creating a “private” link, whose audience is workspace users only, then you would need to enter the workspace users’ ids using the authorizedUserIds parameter.
- For the expiration date (expires), enter the Unix timestamp of the date and time you want the link to expire. If you don’t want the link to expire, enter “0.”
Here is the body of a sample request:
"assetIds": [
"folderIds": [],
"authorizedUserIds": [],
"configuration": {
"allowDownload": true,
"allowFeedback": true,
"audience": "public",
"emailNotification": true,
"limitCommentsToLink": false,
"password": "",
"watermarked": false
"description": "Please review these files.",
"expires": 0,
"watermarkPresetId": null,
"watermarkIsForensic": false,
"watermarkSettings": null,
"title": "Nature Videos"
For more information on link properties, please see our documentation for Get link by id.