Get comments for asset

Returns the comments made on an asset

This call requires two path parameters:

  • A Review Link id
  • The id of an asset contained in the link

The response includes the comments made on the asset and an array of properties for each comment, such as the commenter’s name, the date and time when the comment was made, and the comment’s unique id.

Note that a Review Link’s settings include the option “On this link only,” which can be turned on or off. This link setting determines which comments are included in the API call’s response body. If “On this link only” is turned on, then the response only includes comments made on the asset via this specific Review Link. Any comments made on the asset in other Review Links or in Review Mode will not be included in the response. This is the same as the audience’s experience when accessing the Review Link: they only see comments made on the asset via this specific link.

If “On this link only” is turned off, then the response includes comments made on the asset in this Review Link, in other Review Links that contain the same asset, and in Review Mode. Note that comments from other links are only included in the response if those links also have the option “On this link only” turned off.


What is Review Mode?

In addition to making comments on an asset in a Review Link, users can make comments directly from the MediaSilo project that contains the asset. This in-app commenting feature is available by opening a file and clicking the blue “Review Mode” button along the top of the page.

If no comments have been made on an asset, then a 200 code is still returned, but the response body is empty. The table below describes the properties contained in the response when comments are found.

id The comment’s id
at The id of the asset that was commented on. This id matches the asset id used as a path parameter.
inResponseTo If a comment is its own standalone comment, then inResponseTo matches the asset id.

If a comment is a reply to a previous comment, then the reply is included in the responses object (see below), where inResponseTo is the id of the original comment.
context The id of the Review Link where the comment was made. If the comment was made via in-project Review Mode, then the value is null.
startTimeCode The timecode, in milliseconds, at which a comment was made. For comments made on a timecode range, this value corresponds to the start of that range.

The value is null when a user makes a general comment that does not correspond to a specific timecode or timecode range. In the MediaSilo UI, a user can make a general comment by unchecking the “Add timecode to comment” checkbox.
endTimeCode For a comment made on a timecode range, this value corresponds to the end timecode in milliseconds.

If the comment was made on a single timecode, instead of a range, then endTimeCode is the same value as startTimeCode.

The value is null when a user makes a general comment that does not correspond to a specific timecode or timecode range.
dateCreated The Unix timestamp of the date and time when the comment was made
body This is the actual comment the user made on an asset.
user This object provides the name, email, and user id of the person who made the comment.
responses This object contains any comments that were made in response to a comment. In the Review Link UI, users can respond to a comment by clicking the “Reply” button.
drawings This object includes any annotations that were made by using the brush tool to draw on the screen. The color property indicates the brush color that was used. The points property provides the x,y coordinates of the points that make a brush stroke. For example, a horizontal stroke that goes from the left side of the screen to the right side could start at points 50, 500 and end at points 1200, 500.
status In the Review Link UI, users can mark a comment as resolved by clicking the circle to the right of the comment. If a comment has been resolved, then the status property is “Done.” Any unresolved comments have a null status.

Resolving comments allows users to filter out any comments that have already been addressed or are no longer relevant.
shiftProfile This object contains any information a commenter has provided in their MediaSilo profile, including their name, title, company, website, and location.
formattedDateCreated The date and time when the comment was made, in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)
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